Magical Narrabeen Sunset, Northern Beaches, Sydney


Since my last post of “Fire Sky” with a crazy sunset over Sydney City I though I would show you the best sunset I have seen and shot. It’s been on my site for quite a few years now and again it was taken on a day when a massive weather cell just sat over Sydney all day like a UFO but the horizon where the sun was going to set had a perfect gap.

The light came on so quickly that it took me by surprise and I had to grab my gear and run down to the beach from my unit. I set up and was able to get of four shots and this was one of them. I remember saying to a fisherman nearby how amazing the light was, his reply was “You should have been here 5 minutes ago”, not what you want to hear.

The colours in this image are 100% natural, the drum scan has only been spot cleaned and a contrast curve added. The rest is just mother nature. Right place, Right time ….. with Velvia 50 !!


8 thoughts on “Magical Narrabeen Sunset, Northern Beaches, Sydney

  1. yeah this is a stunning shot!

    How long was the exposure on this shot? i think you said that the reason why film catches great colour is because the long exposures capture all the different colour that happen in that time ?

    • Mitch… this would have been shot at F16 and from memory the exposure was about 10 sec. With really log exposures you can get funky colour, but this natural not from long exp.

      • ah alright, you would have this printed out and hanging in ya house ? since its the “the best sunset I have seen and shot” i would if i was you 😛

  2. Awesome sunset, the colour is fantastic! A little Velvia MAGIC, I do sometimes think of getting out the EOS 5 and having a play, sometimes I do miss the anticipation of getting the film back and seeing what come out. I don’t however miss knowing whether i’ve got the shot, the way I do on the 5D. Using film from time to time does make you think and contemplate what you’re capturing. Actually, I think my Pentax Super A with it’s 28 & 50mm fixed lenses…. I’m liking this more!

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