Headed out for a sunset shoot that had potential but it fell through and just as I thought it had been a wasted trip the moon breached the horizon. Then more cloud came over and things went from ok, to good, to great to fantastic.
The moon popped in and out through cloud and on my last sequence of the digital panoramic I got the perfect light.
I ran the image through Photomege but it did a shocking job of the horizon and it also failed to blend in the best moon light shot. So I had to do things old school and blend the panoramic myself by hand in Photoshop. Worked a treat.
Click the image to see the larger view.
Hey Matt. I find also when the image is dark that photomerge in auto mode does a terrible job sometimes. when i use reposition only much better results.
this is dead on mate 😉
sweet shot matt…
Nice work, love it…
Hi Matt….really interesting shot. Definately one of my favourites.